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Get ready to immerse yourself in the future of manufacturing and stay ahead of the curve.

  • WHY JOIN:Join SoftServe, Google Cloud, and Litmus at this exclusive Manufacturing Roundtable event – a gathering of industry leaders. This not-to-be-missed opportunity allows you to gain valuable insights from our exceptional lineup of speakers as they discuss effective strategies for leveraging Google's Manufacturing Data Engine (MDE) to drive operational technology (OT) transformations.


  • 3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. - Registration and Networking
  • 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. - Keynote Presentations plus Q&A Session
  • 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. - Networking Happy Hour


  • Rodion

    Data Architect and Consultant



    Rodion Myronov has nearly 20 years of data technology experience. Beginning with FoxPro2.6 for DOS, he followed the traditional route of becoming an MS SQL Server and Oracle developer, DBA, and trainer before becoming a team leader and independent consultant. Rodion has also worked on data warehousing and ETL projects based on Redshift, Hadoop, Big Query, and Netezza. He’s collaborated on multiple projects as an architect and consultant, including data lake and data warehouse systems design, assessments, and complex migrations as well as developing data governance frameworks. Today, Rodion manages the direction of AWS projects within SoftServe’s Big Data and Analytics Center of Excellence.

  • Roy 

    WW Analytics Specialist


    Roy Hasson is WW Analytics Specialist leader at Amazon Web Services, where he helps transform organizations using data, analytics and machine learning. Roy serves as an expert advisor to customers across all industries to transform their business and become a data driven organization by building a cloud native modern data architecture on AWS. He is also a product leader driven by voice-of-the-customer to guide the development of new innovative services and user experiences for AWS. Prior to AWS, Roy spent 15 years working with tier 1 service providers to design and deploy large scale data systems used to serve today’s cable modem, voice over IP and wireless data services.