<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://q.quora.com/_/ad/9c056b6a8add464387030b516aa06ce7/pixel?tag=ViewContent&amp;noscript=1">

Does your business require you to pull data from multiple systems and compile it to create a complete report?
*The answer to this question is required

Are data value names and formatting different across different applications?
*The answer to this question is required

Do you have a dedicated data strategist at your company (or is this a part-time position for someone with other responsibilities)
*The answer to this question is required

Does your company have multiple data warehouses, each supporting unique applications?
*The answer to this question is required

Does your company frequently have to “band-aid” together solutions to receive the needed results from data?
*The answer to this question is required

Is there data sharing between multiple data warehouses and data reuse to reduce the cost of data movement and development?
*The answer to this question is required

Is there coordination to prevent overlapping and wasted work to access the same data content for different projects?
*The answer to this question is required

Are there inconsistencies across reports due to varied source data?
*The answer to this question is required

Do you access data across separate applications?
*The answer to this question is required

Are logic and rules custom-built and individually maintained?
*The answer to this question is required

Do teams share source data, or do separate teams have individual copies to support their integration and database build activities?
*The answer to this question is required

Are downstream teams (marketing, sales, HR, etc.) continually adjusting to changes, require constant education, or have frequent questions about reports and other outputs?
*The answer to this question is required

Do teams frequently build their reports to meet their needs, or export the data to a third party system.
*The answer to this question is required

Does the data warehouse team constantly have to ‘chase data problems’?
*The answer to this question is required

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