<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://q.quora.com/_/ad/9c056b6a8add464387030b516aa06ce7/pixel?tag=ViewContent&amp;noscript=1">

What is your development team's performance under the current circumstances, as distancing requirements may limit in-office personnel?
*The answer to this question is required

Does your team currently work remotely or in different offices?
*The answer to this question is required

Were there any changes in the users’ feedback about your product/services recently?
*The answer to this question is required

Did you extend your software development team in the past three months?
*The answer to this question is required

How long does it take for the new engineer, software developer, or other employees on your team to become 100% productive?
*The answer to this question is required

Do you need to have a ‘go-to’ pool of resources to fulfill an on-demand need?
*The answer to this question is required

How soon does your project need to begin?
*The answer to this question is required

How many new resources will you need for your next project?
*The answer to this question is required

What is the technology stack in your projects? Which best describes your situation?
*The answer to this question is required

How do you foster technical innovation within your development team?
*The answer to this question is required

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