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Advances in modern technology have a huge impact on our ability to deliver better healthcare for all. Mobile technology, big data, artificial intelligence, wearables, and telemedicine all have a role to play in this digital healthcare revolution.

But with each technological development comes a corresponding security risk.


At SoftServe, our healthcare experience and security expertise allow you to innovate healthcare systems without compromising data.

In this white paper, we explore the benefits and risks of the technology innovations taking the healthcare industry by storm, such as:

  • Telemedicine: Checking in with healthcare providers through smart devices
  • Mobility and Cloud Access: EHR accessibility for both doctors and patients
  • Wearables and IoT: Tracking health in real time
  • Artificial Intelligence: Analyzing and addressing patterns in health outcomes
  • Empowered Consumers: How tech trends empower consumers and improve health outcomes
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